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BUY Sons Of The Forest Steam Key Digital

From the creators of "The Forest," a brand-new adventure.

You are placed in a cannibal-infested hellscape while searching for a lost millionaire on a secluded island. In this scary new open-world survival horror simulator, you may construct, craft, and battle to live whether you play with friends or by yourself.

A simulation game of survival horror

Be completely liberated to approach the world whatever you choose. You choose what you do, where you travel, and how you can survive the best. There aren't any NPCs yelling instructions at you or assigning you to assignments you don't want to do. You decide what occurs after giving the commands.

Take on Demons

Visit a dangerous planet where there are many mutant monsters to battle, some of which resemble humans nearly exactly while others are unlike anything you have ever seen. Protect yourself and people you care about with the use of pistols, axes, stun batons, and other weapons.

Create and Make

Break sticks to start flames; be aware of every encounter. Cut out windows and floors with an axe. You may construct a little cottage or a seaside estate.

Seasonal Change

Fresh salmon may be taken right out the streams in the spring and summer. For the long, chilly winter, collect and preserve meat. As there are other people living on this island as well, you won't be the only one hunting for food when winter approaches and supplies grow sparse.

Gameplay in Co-Op

Live independently or with friends. To erect fortifications, pool resources and cooperate. Investigate above and below ground with backup.

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