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TRUSTPILOT - 4.6⭐ / 5
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KUPOWAĆ SteamWorld Build (PS4) PSN Key Digital


One last push of land! Astrid, the Earth is dying, and you had to dig or perish trying!

Our town's mine sits empty, but wouldn't you know there are rumors of old technology down there that could help us get out of this situation? Let's start constructing a new house together, gather the posse, and circle the wagons! Get those rich bots in here to help us develop bigger and get the hell out of here! Gather resources above ground and ores below!


New Steamfolk will find their way to you as your borders grow! You must maintain the steam that each grumpy bot has in order to keep them going. Use barter to increase productivity, maintain the flow of commodities to and from the mines, and keep everyone content so they will work as hard and as darned as possible.


We're going to search for riches, and something down there doesn't want to share, so if you stare into the abyss long enough, it might just stare back! Dig gravel, have a gun, and watch out that the mines don't fall on you while you protect yourself from the ghouls that lurk inside.


  • While continuing the plot for aficionados of the series, SteamWorld Build invites new players to the rich world of the long-running SteamWorld franchise.
  • Construct a thriving SteamWorld village in the west.
  • Maintain your residents' satisfaction while attending to their complex and ever-growing requirements.
  • Simple to learn and use with a controller or a standard keyboard and mouse
  • user-friendly mechanics and UI made to accommodate both seasoned players and those new to the city builder genre
  • Oversee and enhance more intricate and perplexing resource networks.
  • Investigate and grow the town and mine to generate resources that will support the hunt for antiquated technology.​
  • Protect your mine against perils, hideous monsters, and other horrors that lurk under your town.
  • Exchange resources with special guests who are willing to assist at the nearby train station.
  • Discover five unique, secret-filled maps that are reminiscent of SteamWorld.
  • Three evenly distributed difficulty settings to provide a challenge for every player
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TRUSTPILOT - 4.6⭐ / 5
Dzięki pozytywnej recenzji możesz sprawić, że nasza strona będzie się rozwijać. Jeśli będziemy się rozwijać, zaoferujemy więcej rabatów, darmowe klucze CD, a także poprawimy nasze usługi. Jeśli chcesz nam coś powiedzieć, skontaktuj się z nami w sieciach społecznościowych.

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