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KUPOWAĆ Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash (Xbox ONE / Series X|S) (Turkey) XBOX LIVE Key Digital

Cursed Technique Battles: 2 vs. 2

Take advantage of each technique's unique qualities, aim for a Joint Attack that is initiated by combining attacks, and cooperate to evaluate the battle situation in order to become the strongest team!

Personas possessing a distinct Cursed Method

In addition to Cused Spirits like Jogo and Hanam, well-known players including Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, and Satoru Gojo will take part in the game.

Every character has a distinct Cursed Technique and set of behaviors.

Take Control of a New Domain in Combat!

Greater skills and dormant powers emerge as you advance in combat.

Grab hold of the Cursed Energy's core to prevail in the escalating combat scenario!

Release the incredibly powerful Cursed Technique and take the win!

When both players are fully matured at the end of the game, strong techniques collide.

As in the anime, the player must dynamically overwhelm the opponent!

DODAJ KOMENTARZ NA TEMAT Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash (Xbox ONE / Series X|S) (Turkey)
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TRUSTPILOT - 4.6⭐ / 5
Dzięki pozytywnej recenzji możesz sprawić, że nasza strona będzie się rozwijać. Jeśli będziemy się rozwijać, zaoferujemy więcej rabatów, darmowe klucze CD, a także poprawimy nasze usługi. Jeśli chcesz nam coś powiedzieć, skontaktuj się z nami w sieciach społecznościowych.

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