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KUPOWAĆ Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (PS4) PSN Key Digital

Apollo Justice's Legal journey Begins Anew!

Play these three games with renowned Phoenix Wright, a mentor to newbie attorney Apollo Justice! This title includes the two previously DLC-only Special Episodes in addition to the 14 episodes of "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney," "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies," and "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice" for a total of 16 episodes!

A ton of bonus goods are also included, which will please any lover of Ace Attorney!

Orchestra Hall: Choose from a variety of symphonic arrangements and enjoy the game's background music!

View illustrations, design specifications, commissioned works, and even the exclusive Spirit of Justice Prologue anime at the Art Library!

Play around with character animations in Animation Studio to reenact your favorite scenes!

Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, Traditional and Simplified Chinese are all supported languages in this collection. Play in whatever combination of languages you like!

Take in this exquisite collection while you yell "Objection!" in these recently refurbished halls of justice!

To preserve the games as originally produced, some of their contents are offered here as they were when they were first launched.

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TRUSTPILOT - 4.6⭐ / 5
Dzięki pozytywnej recenzji możesz sprawić, że nasza strona będzie się rozwijać. Jeśli będziemy się rozwijać, zaoferujemy więcej rabatów, darmowe klucze CD, a także poprawimy nasze usługi. Jeśli chcesz nam coś powiedzieć, skontaktuj się z nami w sieciach społecznościowych.

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