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COMPRAR Destiny 2 (PS4) CD Key PSN

New Legends Will Rise

Destiny 2 is an action shooter that takes you on an epic journey across the solar system. In the cinematic campaign, you’ll enter a world filled with compelling characters and fight to take back our home. Battle alongside friends with multiple cooperative modes or challenge others in intense multiplayer matches. Destiny 2 on PC will include scalable resolution up to 4K, uncapped framerate, an adjustable field of view, support for ultra-wide/special monitor configurations, and more.

  • Epic Campaign
    Embark on a massive action-adventure journey to fight back against the Red Legion determined to destroy us all, and to reclaim our home, the last safe city on Earth.
  • Cooperative Gameplay
    In Strikes, you’ll infiltrate an enemy stronghold with up to 3 players and takedown all active threats. Gather your fireteam of 6 and take on Destiny 2’s ultimate cooperative challenge, the Raid. Earn prestigious weapons, gear and accomplishments as you fight your way through.
  • Competitive Multiplayer
    Put your competitive skills to the test in 4v4 matches against the most dangerous enemy of all – other players.
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