COMPRAR NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 (Xbox One / Series X|S) (Turkey) XBOX LIVE Key Digital
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 is a tour de force of Naruto thrills and spills. Impressively faithful to the universe of the anime, the game takes players through the Naruto Shippuden story arc with new battle systems enhancing the gameplay. Players must choose the right companions to fight alongside and together unleash explosive Team Special Techniques to lay waste to opponents. Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 has been remastered in HD.
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Existem 1 ofertas de R$39.38 a R$45.79
Loja | Plataforma | Preço | |
![]() | R$45.79 R$39.38 | Comprar |
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Histórico de preços
TRUSTPILOT - 4.6⭐ / 5
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