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CUMPARĂ A Hero's Rest CD Key Steam

In a world abounding with monsters, His Majesty the King tasks you with warding off the threats that surround the land. For this, you are given the role of the proprietor of a fantasy town where you will recruit Heroes, manage your resources and supply your shops with the wares that your Heroes need for their adventures.

A Hero's Rest will put your management skills to the test as you fight to grow your town's popularity while tending to your Heroes' needs & His Majesty's demands.

  • Unleash your creativity and build your shops across multiple landscapes, from cosy little Taverns to huge Training Grounds, the choice is yours.
  • Each shop brings a boon to your town, providing you with new ways to gather resources or interact with your Heroes' fates.
  • Supply your shops with the necessary upgrades and decorations to push your town's popularity to new heights.

  • Craft gear across 13 (and soon 16) different categories and thousands of customization options.
  • Level up your crafting stations and provide higher quality gear for your Heroes.
  • Display your crafted gear across your shop's various displays and watch your Heroes wear the equipment they purchased.

Heroes have a mind of their own and little regard for their safety. You'll need to make sure to send Heroes on quests that they can conquer or they will find their demise.

  • Send the Heroes on quests to gather resources for you to overcome the dangers that threaten your town.
  • Watch them grow from inexperienced adventurers to powerful Heroes and create a personal attachment to those that stand out.
  • Use the tools provided to you by shops like the Innkeeper & the Apothecary to influence the fate of your Heroes and secure their safety.
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