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ACQUISTARE Space Cows (USA) (Switch) CD Key Nintendo

Space Cows is a cheesy twin-stick shooter featuring weaponized toilet plunger and intense zero gravity combat.

Shoot, dash and wobble in slow motion to save cows and lay vengeance upon an evil corporation.

Crazy combat: Armed with a toilet plunger move your naked butt and whack 2165 mootants.

Fart away from harm, unleash rage to obliterate enemies and mess with time.

Be the plunger danger.

Space tactics: Physics-infused swarm patterns require spontaneous approaches and sharp reflexes.

Fight wildly and fart wisely.

Or the other way round.

Milk must flow: Milk your way through various minigames because we’ve heard you like minigames so we put minigames in our game so you can play minigames while playing a game.

And also to win life.

Leave no cow behind.

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