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COMPRAR Falcon Age (Epic Games) CD Key Epic Games

Bond with a baby falcon and go on an adventure. Falcon Age is a first-person, single-player action adventure where you’ll play as Ara in her fight to reclaim her cultural legacy in the lost art of falcon hunting against a force of automated colonizers. The game starts on a dying colony planet with its culture destroyed, resourced depleted, and turned into a desert by machine invaders. Ara’s been wrongfully thrown in jail for a minor infraction. While she awaits her fate in a lonely cell, she passes the time by befriending a young falcon. Together they escape and set off on an adventure to help the resistance reclaim their freedom and drive off the invaders.


  • Take back your life: Rebel against robot colonizers and reclaim your culture.
  • Bond with a bird companion: Name, pet, feed, teach, and dress up your falcon.
  • Hunt with your falcon: Various animals roam the land and can be hunted for precious materials.
  • Craft falcon snacks: Farm, hunt, and cook snacks to feed, buff, heal and strengthen your falcon.
  • Accessorize your falcon: Make your falcon look dreamy with different hats and scarves. -also equipment for gameplay like sonar and armor.
  • Fight robot colonizers: Use your trusty stun baton to fight off drones and robots with the help of your falcon.
  • Reclaim your land: Take back multiple locations from the colonizing faction and rebuild your community.
  • Imprint Mode: Play the story mode with optional combat.
  • Dedicated pet button: Give and take items, high-five, fist bump, and sooth your falcon.
  • Has optional PC VR support fur a fully immersive experience.
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