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COMPRAR Barotrauma - Supporter Pack (DLC) CD Key Steam

Barotrauma Supporter Pack - "The Europan"

This is a collection of bonus content for those who want to dive deeper into the world of Europa.

What do I get?

  • Three issues of "The Europan", Europa's most esteemed and only newspaper! The editorial staff brings you the latest rumors, stories both hilarious and gruesome, and rare glimpses into the history of Europa.
  • The official Barotrauma soundtrack, with more tracks added when new ones are composed for the game. Immerse yourself into the hums, clicks and foreboding ambient sounds of Europa's ocean. Is it just darkly reverberant electronic music, or is it the sounds of a deep sea creature lurking in the distance?
  • 14 wallpapers made from Barotrauma's concept art, with 4 new pieces exclusive to this pack.
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