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KAUFEN Guayota (Switch) CD Key Nintendo

Inspired by legends related to the Canary Islands and the Guanches mythology, Guayota depicts the story of a group of explorers, sent by the Spanish Kingdom to find the legendary Saint Brendan’s Island. As the protagonist, you will soon understand that this island, said to be paradise on Earth, might actually hide darker secrets.


The secrets behind Saint Brendan’s Island

Immerse yourself in a rich puzzle game that draws inspiration from the legend of Saint Brendan. As you look for your companions, you will explore ancient gods’ temples, each guarding a deep secret and offering a piece of the island's mysterious past.

The power of fire and lights

Equipped with a torch, you must utilize the powers of fire, lights, and lasers to navigate through temples and solve their enigmas. As you progress, the challenges become increasingly complex, requiring keen observation.

Two modes, two ways of accessing the truth

As you explore each temple, you'll encounter two distinct modes: The "Real World" and "The Plane of Madness". Reality can sometimes be deceiving: exploring both will be crucial in your quest for the truth.

Constant new exploration & puzzle mechanics to master

Each temple presents its own unique enigmas and dangerous traps. And as your journey on Saint Brendan continues, you will encounter more challenges involving new ways of solving puzzles.

Sie sehen alle Shops mit jeder Zahlungsart. Wir erinnern Sie daran, dass einige Geschäfte möglicherweise Zahlungsprovisionen erheben.
Es gibt 1 Angebote von 5.18 bis 5.75
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Kaufe es ab 5.18
TRUSTPILOT - 4.6⭐ / 5
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