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"We are nearly through the passage, the storm bites at our heels, and the crew whispers of blood and dark magic." - Captain's Log April 1847

  • Survive the Arctic

             Build fires to stay warm, fend off wolves and other predators, and hunt for food to stay alive in the brutal and unforgiving Canadian Arctic.

  • Betray Your Friends

             Feed them tainted food, lure animals to attack them, hex them with blood magic, or if all else fails… just shoot them in the back.

  • You Are What You Eat

             In the Arctic, you’ll have to make some grim choices to stay fed. Butcher bodies and use the pieces as weapons - or food.

  • Captain a Ship

             Steer a 19th century warship around (or into) icebergs. Find coal for the ever-hungry boiler to keep the ship moving... or blow it up.

  • Brave a Perilous World

             Plan around a full day and night cycle, contend with unexpected whiteouts, and try to outrun a massive blizzard that looms over the expedition.

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